Weeb Boss Lv.3
Сижу задумчив.

Как бы вы передали на английском фразу "Выскажись уже, а не то тебя порвет на (тысячу маленьких) хомячков"? :hmm:
Ключевое здесь именно "порвет на хомячков" :sunny:

@темы: вопрос в толпу, творческие эвридэйсы, настоящие люди

09.02.2017 в 20:04

Зололотой слоупок ~
Именно упрт компонент? хд
Мне кажется, что в тумблер можно перевести даже буквально хддд
10.02.2017 в 01:22

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, именно хомячков :lol: Персонаж любит хомячков и играццо с огнём - во всех смыслах:laugh:
Вот я тоже думаю, что что в тумблер все сгодится. :lol: Blow up like a hundred of tiny little hamsters? Burst into? Burst like? The last one seems more legit somehow, but. :hmm:
10.02.2017 в 10:54

Зололотой слоупок ~
Определенно burst! Насколько я помню, "spit it out before you burst" даже существует.
"Лопнуть как тысяча маленьких хомячков" в принципе, ну, окей хдд
10.02.2017 в 16:49

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, я вообще думала в сторону blow up/burst into smithereens, только с хомячками :lol: Ещё explode можно взять.
Блин, кровавая баня у нас тут, а не кавай :lol:

Thank you for helping me out :squeeze::love:
10.02.2017 в 16:50

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, я вообще думала в сторону blow up/burst into smithereens, только с хомячками :lol: Ещё explode можно взять.
Блин, кровавая баня у нас тут, а не кавай :lol:

Thank you for helping me out :squeeze::love:
10.02.2017 в 17:04

Зололотой слоупок ~
Я теперь отчаянно пытаюсь вспомнить, откуда оно в русском-то взялось хд
10.02.2017 в 17:04

Зололотой слоупок ~
Я теперь отчаянно пытаюсь вспомнить, откуда оно в русском-то взялось хд
11.02.2017 в 03:30

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, I was wondering, too :lol: It's quite possible that it has descended from "порвать, как хомяка", but then the question still remains. :lol:
11.02.2017 в 07:45

Зололотой слоупок ~
PS Were you needing it for your comics?
11.02.2017 в 11:30

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, yep :sunny: I've had a gazillion of other plot bunnies since, though, so no idea when I'll get to it :lol:
The thing is, I can only do, like, a couple of digital pages every few days. Not even because of the workload, it's my eyes again +-+ Tried to line traditionally, but pen lineart is so unsatisfying to me, it lacks wildness and line weight (not to mention I can only take a picture if it via my phone, so yeah ><;)
11.02.2017 в 11:34

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, P.S.: I don't think I saw you post anything for a while, are you quite well?
11.02.2017 в 15:00

Зололотой слоупок ~
SunRaito, oh, I see!
Would very much like to see the ready ones, if you've win a won over tumblr already :heart:
Speaking of traditional line, it reminds me of Takei's interview about use of brushpen, being all wild and varying pressure. Have you tried it?

P.S.: I don't think I saw you post anything for a while, are you quite well?
By now mostly yes, thank you)
21.02.2017 в 00:07

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, sorry for being so slow! Only just gotten over this terrible bout of anxiety about showing you any of my mediocre work :facepalm:
Sure! Everything's at my tumblr, hoshibara-blog.tumblr.com - I don't repost anything, so it's right at the top )

I'd like to try it out, sure, but our shops don't sell them, and I'm far too frugal to spend money on something I might not even enjoy :laugh: So far, I've tried to use the thinnest brush I could find (very tiny), and... I didn't like it. The way it bends when I want it to stay sharp and hard is just... Nah. +-+ I'm thinking towards normal dip pens rn, but... The set of calligraphy nibs is almost the same price as a brushpen (600+), and I still find the whole ordering stuff online thing complicated. :vv:
21.02.2017 в 00:12

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, BTW, did you mean the Mentalite interview? Was there anything else about his working process? (Maybe you know a video showing Takei's process, that'd be awesome XD But probably not to be expected :vv: )
21.02.2017 в 00:44

Зололотой слоупок ~
Only just gotten over this terrible bout of anxiety about showing you any of my mediocre work :facepalm:
Thx! :heart: I will check it out in the morning and comment *_*

On brushpens: he mentioned it in his talk on Nekogahara, and there was a bit of video, will send you a link a little bit later

On brushpen: well, I bought one for 200 rubles for sketching course, and it was much fun xD I guess I could send you a couple?
21.02.2017 в 03:57

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, you don't have to, but it would be nice *_*

Cool, tnx!

Hold on to this thought, I'm maybe coming to Krsk sometime soon... Maybe. Hopefully. XD
(Also, did I mention that you're the kindest human being that I know? It bears repeating, then :beg: )
21.02.2017 в 17:25

Зололотой слоупок ~
Okay, I am notorious for being slowpoke, but I got there finally *___*

It's amazingly cool! And expressive! And hilarious! "Checking someone in!"XD And Genos is very attractive :inlove: Also, I dropped Onepunman somewhere after the alien invasion storyline, but now I am really intrigued, what the hell happened in that chapter XD

And I really like how efficient you line is in this comic pages *_* It's not as refined as I am used to seeing in your artwork, but so energetic and, again, expressive and carries the idea and feeling *_*
21.02.2017 в 17:29

Зололотой слоупок ~
About Krasnoyarsk: seeing you in person would be great, but I probably can't provide accomodation, we're doing some very profound repairs and half the flat is in chaos and cement dust, so
22.02.2017 в 13:02

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, please, as if I'm in any position to judge +-+ XD Take as much time as you need, always)

Ooh, thanks! :heart: I'm happy you liked it. Genos is both a delight and a pain to draw. I mean, HAIR. :facepalm:

Should I spoil it )? Or just point you to the chapter?

That's the thing, though! I'm getting compliments on my lining skills, and I'm like, finally! :lol:
22.02.2017 в 13:03

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, oh, I didn't mean it like that! You don't have to )
22.02.2017 в 18:18

Зололотой слоупок ~
yes, HAIR xD

Should I spoil it )? Or just point you to the chapter?
Spoilers, please! XD Too much work to get into reading now, and I am curious xD

That's the thing, though! I'm getting compliments on my lining skills, and I'm like, finally! :lol:
I feel you :lol::lol::lol:

oh, I didn't mean it like that! You don't have to )
give me head ups, when you'll know when you are coming, we could definitely go to the brushpen place and grab some pizza xD
22.02.2017 в 20:40

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, so basically, Saitama is participating in a martial arts tournament (bc money and also strong opponents), his last opponent is this hot stuff that has a lot of cool moves, and Saitama goes 'Oh, I get it! Martial arts is, like, moving your body in a way that looks kinda cool, right? Lemme try it too' and tries to copy one of the techniques. His opponent is all HOW DARE YOU, tries to attack Saitama and gets hit by Sai's bum (aka the ultimate booty bump XD) He gets K.O.'d, obviously, but takes Sai's belt with him, so Sai's dignity still suffers.
Genos is busy getting rekt fighting monsters that threaten to interrupt the tournament that his precious Sensei's participsting in, so he doesn't see any of it. :lol:
22.02.2017 в 20:44

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, alright, will do *_* Pizza sounds especially nice :sunny:
22.02.2017 в 20:49

Weeb Boss Lv.3
Я - японский иероглиф, alright, will do *_* Pizza sounds especially nice :sunny:
22.02.2017 в 20:52

Зололотой слоупок ~
His opponent is all HOW DARE YOU, tries to attack Saitama and gets hit by Sai's bum (aka the ultimate booty bump XD) He gets K.O.'d, obviously, but takes Sai's belt with him, so Sai's dignity still suffers.
Sometimes I love Saitama very much :lol::lol::lol:
22.02.2017 в 20:52

Зололотой слоупок ~
alright, will do *_* Pizza sounds especially nice :sunny: